Friday, April 23, 2010

"NOT" made in America

Whenever I shop, my first criteria in choosing an item I want to purchase is by country of origin. If I select an item and it is "NOT" made in America, I will scour the shelves looking for that "Made in USA" label. Recently I was in the market for a set of drill bits for wood. I went to the local Home Depot and found a wall full of all types and styles of drill bits. I must have picked up a hundred different packages and could not find one drill bit that is "Made in America". I asked a sales associate "do you know which bits are made in America", and without hesitation he answered "NONE, none are made in America". It was disturbing enough that there was not one American made drill bit but to twist the knife and push it in deeper, every bit I examined was made in china. If you are clueless, china is a communist nation. China supported communist nkorea during the korean war in witch over 50,000 American and 5,000 allied soldiers were killed(as reported by The History Channel). I got a little hot and I found the store manager. His attitude was "SO WHAT, WHO CARES", and he said you don't have to buy it. It really made me feel like a good American screaming at him calling him a F*****G commie.
As more aliens invade the USA this is the growing attitude in general. Do not let china win this war on our soil. F*** Home Depot, F*** china. Send a message to Home Depot, tell them you do not want products that are"Not Made in America".